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Funny Golf Team Names That Will Make You Tee-Hee: Swing Into Laughing!
Here are 226 Funny Golf team Names that will blow your mind
A fantastic golf team needs a fantastic name that will get everyone in the mood for some enjoyment on the course. From the classic “Birdie Bandits” to the crazy “Zen Golfers,” there are lots of unique and entertaining titles to select from.
For your next round of golf, we’ve put together a list of the funniest team names in this article. So gather your clubs, dress to impress, and prepare to tee off with some amusing team names!
The funny golf team names, presented by For the Love of Laughing in groups:
Group A:
Ace Holes
Albatrosses Anonymous
Angry Clubbers
Animal Drivers
Awesome Irons
Air Ballers
Amateur Hour Heroes
Atomic Swingers
Acorn Addicts
Aged Whiskies
Also ReadExploring the Interesting World of Golf Nicknames: Swingin’ Monikers
Group B:
Ball Busters
Bogey Beaters
Birdie Bashers
Bunker Buddies
Beer Fore Birdies
Bubba’s Bandits
Bogey Brothers
Bogeylicious Babes
Big Sticks
Group C:
Clubbing Crushers
Caddy Shackers
Chipmunks on Par
Cupcakes and Clubs
Clumsy Golfers
Cart Path Crusaders
Chasing Birdies
Cutthroat Caddies
Cussing Chipsters
Crazy Hookers
Also Read About Top Golf Simulator Tips for Year-Round Improvement
Group D:
Dimpled Balls
Driver’s Ed Dropouts
Divot Diggers
Drinking and Driving Range
Duffing It Up
Dance Floor Divas
Dirty Birdies
Duffers in Distress
Diamond Cutters
Driving Range Rats
Group E:
Eagle Hunters
Eighteen Holers
Errant Drives
Easy Putters
Executive Par-timers
Excess Handicap
Extra Mulligans
Endless Fairways
Everything in the Bunker
Even Par Avengers
Also Read About Unique Golf Cheers for Your Good Luck
Group F:
Fairway to Hell
Fore Horsemen
Four Putting Fools
Full Swing Ahead
Flagstick Fanatics
Flop Shot Flunkies
Fossilized Foursomes
Fairway to Heaven
Fescue Fighters
Fuzzy Zoellers
Team Names F
Group G:
Grip It and Sip It
Goofy Golfers
Gang Green
Gimmie Girls
Golf Widows
Green Monsters
Grumpy Golfers
Gopher and the Gang
Group H:
Hole in None
Hazardous Hackers
Hole Lotta Love
High Handicappers
Hack Attack
Happy Hookers
Hitting and Drinking
Hump Day Hacks
Hybrid Heaven
Holy Hole-in-Ones
Group I:
In the Hole Gang
Iron Maidens
In the Drink
Iron Willies
Inside the Leather
Impending Doom
It’s Always Sunny in the Fairway
Intimidating Irons
Iron Men
Irresistible Irons
Group J:
Just Putt It
Jolly Jokers
Jekyll and Hydes
Jazzy Jabs
Jagged Edges
Jittery Jabs
Jumping Jax
Jetlagged Jocks
Just the Tip-Ins
Jazzy Putters
Group K:
Keep it on the Fairway
King Putters
Kicking Grass
Kooky Kutters
Keg in the Hole
Keepin’ it Green
Kool Kats
Keep Calm and Tee Off
Kilted Caddies
Killer Pars
Group L:
Long and Wrong
Lucky Strokes
Links Lizards
Low Putts and High Fives
Lost Balls and Paranoia
Lefty Loosies
Little White Balls
Ladies and Strokes
Group M:
Mulligan’s Island
Misfits of the Fairway
Morning Wood
Mother Putters
Mad Swings
Masters of Disaster
Mysterious Mulligans
My Big Fat Fore-Head
Mid-Iron Mafia
Mashies and Mash Pots
Group N:
Never Up Never In
Nuts for Putts
No Mulligans Needed
Nine Hole Wonders
Niblicks of the North
Nifty Niners
Nothing But Grass
Ninety-Nine Problems But Golf Ain’t One
Not Quite Par
Newbies on the Green
Group O:
One Putt Wonders
On the Green Again
Old Duffers
Out of Bounds Brigade
Over Par Performers
Over the Top
Out of the Woods
Oompa Loompas
Open-faced Sandwiches
Off Course Oopsies
Group P:
Putt Pirates
Pin Seekers
Par-Tee Time
Putter Face
Pin High Pros
Putting Pandas
Power Puff Drives
Pocket Rocket Putters
Pure Swings
Putting for Dough
Group Q:
Queen of Clubs
Quick Greens
Quirky Swingers
Quiet Please
Quack Attack
Quibbling Quints
Quail Hollows
Quizzical Golfers
Quality Golfers
Quivering Wedges
Group R:
Rough Riders
Red Hot Chili Drivers
Rough Cuts
Risky Putters
Right in the Woods
Rusty Golfers
Raging Caddies
Rubber Grips
Razzle Dazzle
Group S:
Sultans of Swing
Slice and Dice
Scramble Masters
Sand Traps Anonymous
Swing and a Miss
Stymies and Stiffies
Sweet Swingers
Scratch Golfers
Group T:
Tee Party
The Fore Horsemen
The Bad Eagles
The Slice Girls
Tee-ranasaurus Rex
The Incrediballs
The Mulligan Men
Tiger’s Wood
Group U:
Under Par Gang
Unplayable Lies
Uncommon Golfers
Up and Downers
Urban Golfers
Ultimate Irons
Unleashed Putters
Unusual Swingers
Unwritten Rules
Unforgiving Fair
V Group:
Vodka Swingers
Victory Stogies
Varsity Putters
Vanilla Slice
Very Stable Geniuses
Vegas Hookers
Vindaloo Victory
Volatile Putters
Vino Strokes
W Group:
Wedgie Warriors
Wet Wedges
Whack-a-Mole Swingers
Whiskey Disciples
Wild Whackers
Wine and Nine
Winged Warriors
Winter Rules
Witty Putters
Wonder Whackers
X Group:
X Marks the Spot
X-traordinary Putters
X-citing Strokes
X-cessive Hookers
X-treme Golfers
X-actly Right
X-cuse Makers
X-cellent Shots
X-perience Matters
X-ceptional Putts
Y Group:
Yabba Dabba Do Strokes
Yodeling Yahoos
Yankee Doodle Drivers
Yellow Ballers
Yes We Putt
Yummy Mummies
Yoga Swingers
Youthful Yips
Yippee Ki Yay Golfers
Yin Yang Putters
Z Group:
Zany Zappers
Zero Handicaps
Zigzag Zingers
Zesty Zoners
Zipper Lips
Zippy Zappers
Zillionaire Golfers
Zooming Zeros
Zen Golfers
Zingy Putters